2023 Brand Refresh — Behind the Scenes on Film

Why does it truly feel like Christmas whenever I get film delivered? I was so excited to get these images back from my Brand Refresh shoot, especially since I was finally able to route my film through a new, local film developer. Electra Film Lab just opened in Birmingham, AL, making them the only film lab in the city. Of course, we currently have semi-permanent roots in Nashville, but I always love to support my hometown when I can.

Peyton was able to pop in for a few minutes during this shoot to capture some behind-the-scenes shots of me at work, and it was so fun to show him the ropes of what I do in the studio, since typically it’s just me and my tripod! As much as I adore the clean aesthetic the studio has to offer (and that light), I have an equal appreciation for the romance that film brings, with all its beautiful texture, grain, and nostalgic feel.

Enjoy some film highlights below!


Sunday in Germantown on Film


8 Years of Have a Wesley Day